The Hirschi Family

The Hirschi Family
Andrew, Rachel, Jake, Gracie.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Andrew's Big News in his own words

My tooth fell out on Thursday. I am really glad. I got some money from the tooth fairy. (It was the tooth) On the front on my teeth, on the right. After Susie's (his aunt) game I was wiggling my tooth. I pushed it all the way back and all the way forth. I twisted it and it got really loose. My mommy put dental floss on my tooth and crossed it around on my tooth and she pulled it really hard and it fell out. I just all my want all my friends and family to know that my tooth fell out. I am working on the other tooth. Goodbye.

(Parenthesise are my words and the rest is Andrews.)

Gracie would like to tell everybody that my brother's tooth fell out. And I hope I play tea with them and I hope I see you again, bye bye.

1 comment:

Emily Youngdell said...

All I have to say, is "HEY YOU GUYS!!!!" That totally cracked me up today. What cute kid that Andrew is.