The Hirschi Family

The Hirschi Family
Andrew, Rachel, Jake, Gracie.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Twilight Craze

Jake sent me an article today about the Twilight was in the NY Times and I posted the address below. It is about the Twilight mall tour. A mall tour, how teeny bopper can you get. Apparently Rob Pattinson and maybe other cast members are touring malls(-I have to say it again) making appearances. And it is utter mayhem. The article is hilarious. It is about mothers and daughters sleeping out to spot a glimpse of "Edward" and crying, shaking, stunned silent or screaming. They compare it to the Beatles hysteria. As I was reading this I thought first about how old Rob Pattinson is (22) and felt weird about mothers and daughters alike dying to catch a glimpse. However, don't get me wrong I love the series and think it is very romantic, but after reading this article my perspective is altered and maybe, yes maybe, it made me feel old and I wish this kid was 35.

My favorite part is Rob's comments about separating the story from reality. It sounds to me like he cannot fathom the surrounding lunatics(make sure you are using an English accent). “What is with all the screaming?” Mr. Pattinson asked when he came out. He absently ran his hand through his hair. Pandemonium ensued. He tugged at his white T-shirt in response, ever so nervously. Oh, boy. Then he laughed good-naturedly at the absurdity of it all. The smile was just a bit too much. A girl in a “Team Edward” shirt fell into the arms of her friend. 'I can’t stand it!' she said. " If I do that opening night, someone please hit me. It is a good laugh. Jake sent the message with a comment "that Edward is so hot right now." Enjoy.


Lori Ann said...

I loved the books, but I'm really not sure if I want to see the movie. I usually see things differently in my head than they end up on the screen and I don't remember a movie version that I've liked better than the book version. I can't believe they are doing a mall tour though. That is just weird!

Amanda said...

Oh man. I don't understand it at all.

"Edward is so hot right now." I love it.

Emily Youngdell said...

What? Edward isn't real?! This is just shocking..

When I go see the movie I am going to start bawling the second that gorgeous face comes on the screen. I might even gasp and say, "I can't stand it!" Better yet, I might just sit there and stare at the screen in stunned silence.

Emily Youngdell said...

I just noticed that we both downloaded the same song from Twilight to our playlists. Great minds think alike... ♥ ya!